North Vista Primary School

North Vista Primary School

Overall Rating
  • About North Vista Primary School

    Primary School
    Co-Ed School
    Government School
    Single Session

  • Mother Tongues


What are the admission rates in primary 1 (P1) registration?

Learn more about Primary 1 (P1) registration in MOE (Ministry of Education, Singapore).
  • School Vision

    Community of Learners @ the School for the Future

  • School Mission

    Build Character, Inspire Passion in Learning

  • School Philosophy, Culture and Ethos

    We are guided by our philosophy that Every Student is an Engaged Learner, Every Staff a Caring Educator and Every Parent a Supportive Parent. We believe that every child is important and of worth. He is curious and is capable of building his own knowledge. He wants to be heard; so time and space will be given to honour his voice. He wants to learn when opportunities are given to him and we are committed to providing him with the opportunities to learn through our programmes.

    The school believes in the importance of school and home partnership. Every parent is a Partner in Education. Parents complement the work of teachers at home. While the responsibility of raising a child lies in the hands of parents, the school will work together with parents to develop the child to the fullest.

What are the distinctive programmes?

  • Developing 21st Century Competencies through ICT

    Applied Learning Programme (ALP) / ICT and media

  • Visual Arts and Design

    Learning for Life Programme (LLP) / Visual arts and design

What are the subjects?

Civics & Moral Education
English Language
Health Education
Physical Education
Social Studies

What are the co-curricular activities (CCAs)?

Uniformed Groups

Boys' Brigade

Girls' Brigade


Visual and Performing Arts

Art Club



Dance - Chinese

Dance - International

Modular Art Club

Clubs and Societies

Environmental Club

Literary Club

Physical Sports



What are the specialised facilities and resources?

  • Allied educators (Learning and behavioural support)