Guangyang Primary School
Overall Rating
- About Guangyang Primary SchoolPrimary SchoolCo-Ed SchoolGovernment SchoolSingle Session
- Mother TonguesChineseMalayTamil
What are the rankings in co-curricular activities (CCAs)?
What are the admission rates in primary 1 (P1) registration?
Learn more about Primary 1 (P1) registration in MOE (Ministry of Education, Singapore).- School Vision
A Vibrant School, A Learning Community Committed to Excellence
- School Mission
Maximising the Potential of all Learners
- School Philosophy, Culture and Ethos
Rising from a long and rich history in education, Guangyang Primary School today strives to embody excellence in holistic development of students.
The school employs a key philosophy of "culture of care" in its mission to nurture its students to their maximum potential through developing the competency of staff. This guiding philosophy shapes school policies and work culture, and is exemplified by all staff in the nurturing of students.
In Guangyang Primary School, students from diverse backgrounds enjoy a variety of developmental experiences by a dedicated and capable team of staff. With a "mindset of excellence" and "all hands-on-deck" attitude, the school excels in its efforts to foster an all-inclusive vibrant environment for its students.
Working in close collaboration with our stakeholders and community partners, the school offers a values-driven, holistic education that develops students as excellent learners, strong in character and citizenship. The school's five core values namely Loyalty, Courage, Honesty, Diligence and Teamwork are infused into all parts of everyday school life. These values guide the school towards reaching its vision and mission.
What are the distinctive programmes?
- Live Your Passion – developing life-long learners with a passion for Music, Dance and Drama
Learning for Life Programme (LLP) / Music and performing arts
What are the subjects?
What are the co-curricular activities (CCAs)?
Physical Sports
Uniformed Groups
Visual and Performing Arts
A# Talent Development
Dance - Chinese
Dance - Indian
Dance - Malay
Ensemble - Angklung / Kulintang
Clubs and Societies
Infocom Club
Science and Environment Club
Weiqi Club
What are the specialised facilities and resources?
- Allied educators (Learning and behavioural support)
- Physical impairment