Yangzheng Primary School

Yangzheng Primary School

Overall Rating
  • About Yangzheng Primary School

    Primary School
    Co-Ed School
    Government School
    Single Session

  • Mother Tongues


What are the admission rates in primary 1 (P1) registration?

Learn more about Primary 1 (P1) registration in MOE (Ministry of Education, Singapore).
  • School Vision

    Every Yangzhengnite a Passionate Learner, Caring Friend and Responsible Citizen.

  • School Mission

    Yangzheng Primary is committed to providing a supportive environment that will help every pupil develop his moral, cognitive, physical, social, aesthetic and leadership capabilities to his fullest potential.

  • School Philosophy, Culture and Ethos

    Pupils and Staff in Yangzheng are guided by our school's motto and philosophy of "From Each His Finest Effort". We provide a nurturing environment that focuses on the learning processes and effort, and not just on the outcomes. The philosophy is supported by the school's culture that manifests itself in everything the people in the school do every day. It determines the tone of environment for learning and growing. Our Yangzheng school culture focuses on the culture of care, culture of learning and the culture of excellence:

    Culture of Care emphasises on the need to be inclusive. Care is extended to everyone (Pupils, Staff and Stakeholders) and no one is left out. Yangzheng Primary is just like a second home where positive relationships are developed, nurtured and maintained. The school environment is one that is caring and nurturing.

    Culture of Learning focuses on the need to be life-long learners and to stay relevant in the society. At Yangzheng Primary, pupils are exposed to a vibrant and engaging learning environment to cater to the different learning needs.

    Culture of Excellence encourages every Yangzhengnite to put in his/her finest effort. Everyone is guided by the school values (Passion for Learning, Responsibility, Integrity, Self-Discipline and Emphathy) to give his/her best in every endeavour.

What are the distinctive programmes?

  • Student Leadership and Life Skills Development through Uniformed Groups

    Learning for Life Programme (LLP) / Community service and student leadership

What are the subjects?

Civics & Moral Education
Co-Curricular Activities
English Language
Foundation English
Foundation Mathematics
Health Education
Higher Chinese
Higher Malay
Higher Tamil
Physical Education
Social Studies

What are the co-curricular activities (CCAs)?

Physical Sports



Rope Skipping


Uniformed Groups



Visual and Performing Arts

Art Club

Band - Concert

Chinese Calligraphy Society

Dance - Chinese

Dance - International

Ensemble - Guzheng

Media Club

Clubs and Societies

Green Club

What are the specialised facilities and resources?

  • Allied educators (Learning and behavioural support)