St. Margaret's Primary School

St. Margaret's Primary School

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  • About St. Margaret's Primary School

    Primary School
    Girls' School
    Government-Aided School
    Single Session

  • Mother Tongues


What are the admission rates in primary 1 (P1) registration?

Learn more about Primary 1 (P1) registration in MOE (Ministry of Education, Singapore).
  • School Vision

    A Community of Learners Growing and Glowing For God.

  • School Mission

    The school was established for the education and nurture of young girls, that each may develop in body, soul and spirit, and be trained in righteousness to become a woman of God, equipped for every good work.

  • School Philosophy, Culture and Ethos

    St Margaret's Primary School was founded in 1842 by Mrs Maria Dyer, a missionary of the London Missionary Society. It is the oldest girls' school in Singapore and the Far East. Today, even as the school aims to equip her pupils with skills and competencies for the global economy of the 21st century, this will be done based on the foundation of the school vision, mission and values. The school believes that it will achieve its goals through nurturing girls of character, striving for excellence in academic and non-academic areas, building competent staff and developing strong partnership with our key stakeholders and the larger community.

    The school places a priority on staff development and staff engagement, and aims to be a vibrant Professional Learning Community. Multiple platforms have been put in place to facilitate professional development and sharing, and conversation with staff.

    The St. Margaret's Ex-Students Association (SMESA) was officially registered on 19 December 1961. It serves to strengthen ties among our ex-students and between past and present pupils of the school. In 2004, the Youth Wing was formed to enable the ex-students of the school to maintain contact with the school by joining the Alumni activities on an informal basis. Annually, SMESA organizes the St Margaret's Day Dinner, which brings together all ex-students of the St Margaret's family.

    The St. Margaret's Parents Teachers Association (PTA) was registered on 24 December 1980 and continues to provide strong support to the school. It organizes and supports various school programmes, one of which is its annual Green Dot Event. This event aims to bring together the families represented in the school for a time of bonding.

    Chapel of Christ the King supports the school by running the spiritual programme of the school. They help to reinforce the values promoted by the school through sharing of bible stories, camps and other recess activities.

What are the distinctive programmes?

  • Dance A.L.I.V.E!: Dance for Agility, Life, Ingenuity, Versatility and Expression

    Learning for Life Programme (LLP) / Music and performing arts

  • Sports A.C2.E: Sports for All; Sports for Continuity and Character; Sports for Excellence

    Learning for Life Programme (LLP) / Sports and outdoor education

What are the subjects?

English Language
Higher Chinese
Higher Malay
Higher Tamil
Physical Education
Social Studies

What are the co-curricular activities (CCAs)?

Uniformed Groups


Girls' Brigade

Visual and Performing Arts


Dance - Chinese

Dance - International

Ensemble - Harmonica

Physical Sports


Ten-Pin Bowling


Clubs and Societies

Infocom Club/AVA

What are the specialised facilities and resources?

  • Allied educators (Learning and behavioural support)