Jurong Primary School
Overall Rating
- About Jurong Primary SchoolPrimary SchoolCo-Ed SchoolGovernment SchoolSingle Session
- Mother TonguesChineseMalayTamil
What are the rankings in co-curricular activities (CCAs)?
What are the admission rates in primary 1 (P1) registration?
Learn more about Primary 1 (P1) registration in MOE (Ministry of Education, Singapore).- School Vision
A vibrant community of gracious citizens and passionate learners
- School Mission
We nurture all-rounded pupils of grace, distinction and sound moral values,ready to take on future endeavours.
- School Philosophy, Culture and Ethos
With a strong conviction that children are small but their minds are not, Jurong Primary School (JPS) provides a holistic education to our students through a variety of quality programmes.
Every JPS student is a leader who demonstrates the 7 habits of The Leader in Me when leading self, peer and school. Through platforms like the Every Child Leads in Instrumental Performance (ECLIP) programme as well as the Integrated Project Work (IPW), JPS students are empowered with leadership competencies to become gracious leaders and passionate learners.
Every JPS teacher is a nurturing educator committed to building a culture of care and excellence in the school.
Leveraging on strategic partnerships with our stakeholders, we will develop all-rounded students of distinction ready to take on future endeavours.
What are the distinctive programmes?
- Every Child a Leader @ JPS (ECAL @ JPS)
Learning for Life Programme (LLP) / Sports and outdoor education
What are the subjects?
What are the co-curricular activities (CCAs)?
Physical Sports
Uniformed Groups
Visual and Performing Arts
Ensemble - Percussion
Clubs and Societies
Robotics Club
What are the specialised facilities and resources?
- Allied educators (Learning and behavioural support)